Nationalism is all around

Victor Pattinson
5 min readMay 5, 2023

Dear friends, it’s been a while since I wrote an article. I deliberately chose not to speak on the European-Russian relations during the military conflict in Ukraine.

It’s impossible to judge objectively the causes of the conflict. It’s too far away from us to hear the real voices of people who are suffering and dying in Ukraine, refugees. We have the opportunity to read Twitter, watch news, and YouTube channels.

The conflict in Ukraine has brought to light many underlying issues in European-Russian relations. While it may be difficult to determine the exact causes of the conflict, it is clear that the situation has resulted in immense suffering and loss of life for the people of both sides. As the world looks on, it is important to consider the role of nationalism in modern politics, both in Europe and the United States.

Nationalism has become a significant force in modern politics, with nationalist movements gaining traction in many countries. These movements often promote a strong sense of national identity, often based on shared cultural or ethnic backgrounds. While many nationalists may espouse ideals of inclusivity and tolerance, others promote a more exclusionary ideology that promotes xenophobia, racism, and intolerance.

One of the most significant nationalist movements in recent years has been the rise of the alt-right in the United States. This movement, which emerged during the 2016 presidential election, is characterized by its support for white nationalism, anti-immigrant sentiment, and opposition to multiculturalism. Members of the alt-right have been associated with a range of extremist groups, including neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the Ku Klux Klan.

Similarly, in Europe, nationalist movements have been on the rise in recent years. These movements have been fueled by a range of factors, including economic insecurity, immigration, and a perceived loss of cultural identity. In countries such as France, Germany, and Italy, nationalist parties have gained significant support, with some even entering government.

One of the most concerning aspects of the rise of nationalism in modern politics is the presence of extremist elements within these movements. Many nationalist groups have been linked to violent attacks and hate crimes, and some have even been designated as terrorist organizations. In the United States, for example, the FBI has identified white nationalist groups as a significant domestic terror threat.

Despite the dangers posed by extremist nationalism, these movements continue to gain support among certain segments of the population. This is often due to a perceived sense of disenfranchisement among certain groups, who feel that their voices have been ignored by mainstream political parties. In some cases, nationalist movements have been successful in tapping into these grievances and mobilizing support around their causes.

However, it is important to remember that nationalism can be a double-edged sword. While it may provide a sense of unity and purpose for certain groups, it can also lead to division and conflict. This is particularly true in the context of international relations, where nationalist movements can fuel tensions between countries and undermine efforts towards peace and cooperation.

In the case of the conflict in Ukraine, nationalism has played a significant role in the tensions between Russia and Europe.

Everywhere we hear only one thing — something happened with the Russians. I talk to my Bulgarian acquaintances, one of whom, a former member of the European Parliament, Georgi Balabanov, sent me several pictures.

Maybe something happened to us if we forgot what the permissiveness of the Nazis led to in the 1930s?

It’s not just that we seem to be completely ignoring the widespread spread of Nazis in Ukraine (there are commissioners from various formations in almost every part of the country), we are ignoring it right under our own noses!

Are we butterflies that forgot what happened in 1933? We not only don’t remember this, but we also gladly cover it in our media! In Europe, in the USA, in Canada!

Doesn’t it seem to us that we should at least listen to the Russians, who say that after 82 years since the previous massacre, they are paying with their lives again, so that this doesn’t happen again?

As the conflict in Ukraine continues, it is clear that the issue of nationalism will remain a significant challenge for policymakers and international organizations. While efforts to promote peace and dialogue must continue, it is also important to address the underlying factors that have fueled nationalist movements in the first place. This includes addressing issues of economic insecurity, immigration, and social inequality, as well as promoting inclusive and tolerant societies that value diversity and respect for human rights.

In conclusion, the conflict in Ukraine has highlighted the dangers of nationalist movements in modern politics. While these movements may provide a sense of identity and purpose for certain groups, they can also fuel division and conflict, and undermine efforts towards peace and cooperation. It is important for policymakers and international organizations to address the underlying factors that have fueled the rise of nationalism, and to promote inclusive and tolerant societies that value diversity and respect for human.


